ARC Review: For One Night Only by Jessica James
For One Night Only
Book Info
Released Date: January 7th
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 368
Format: Paperback
“Years have may have passed between Valerie and Caleb, but their love for each other doesn’t go away”
I live for reading messy romance books, especially if it’s between actors or musicians. You know that this is what typically happens if actors or musicians decide to have relationships. It’s bound to be messy between them, especially with the pressure of the media speculating. That’s what happens with these two former bandmates, aka former loves, Valerie and Caleb, reunited again after many years.
I have to say it. You may not like Valerie or Caleb because the both of them have flaws that have you wondering why. But not everyone is perfect. People have flaws. They just need to own their issues, which Valerie and Caleb do whenever they make a mistake. It’s definitely growth for them because the younger version of Valerie and Caleb wouldn’t handle it like they can do now.
Now, let’s get back to why Valerie and Caleb reunited again and how they are feeling for each other. Years have may have passed between Valerie and Caleb, but their love for each other doesn’t go away. It has always been there. It’s just Valerie and Caleb's communication with each other that needs work. Personally, Valerie and Caleb alone can handle their flaws and why they do what they do. As couple, Valerie and Caleb struggle with their expectations. They both think that they each want something else when they can honestly communicate what they want. It’s just harder to be vulnerable and honest since it may not align with what you may not want to hear. It’s something that Valerie and Caleb will experience a lot through this book.