ARC Review: Dream Keeper by Kristen Ashley
Dream Keeper
Book Info
Released Date: Nov 30th
Publication: Forever
Pages: 400
Format: Mass Paperback
“I’m kinda conflicted on how I feel”
I'm kinda conflicted about how I should write this book review. Half of me is annoyed, but then the other half is happy. Let me start from the beginning.
From the beginning of the book, I became very annoyed with Pepper (the main character). She was acting way too much, especially with Auggie. I don't know what it is, but Pepper really bugs me throughout the book. I really could not get over her behavior whatsoever. But the good part was her daughter, Juno. She is really adorable and smart for her age. And I really enjoy her chapters in the book. She really is the best part of Pepper.
Now, Auggie is who I love. He really pulled his part. He may have some baggage, but who doesn't? He really tries his best with Pepper. It's not his fault that Pepper is stuck in the past. She is the one that needs to let go and move on. It takes a few chapters, but she finally gets there with Auggie. He really does have the patience of a saint in dealing with her because I really would not deal with her. But love can conquer everything, especially their relationship.
I think the thing that bugs me the most is Pepper's behavior. I understand getting cheated on for years will affect you, but not every man is like that. Auggie has never rushed her whatsoever. It was always up to Pepper to set the pace, so it's really her to blame. He never pushes her into any situations, so I'm not understanding what's her issue.