ARC Review: Cross the Line by Simone Soltani


Cross the Line

Book Info

  • Released Date: July 23rd

  • Publication: Berkley

  • Pages: 416

  • Format: Paperback

they always bring something different to the romance genre
— Abigail

Cross the Line brings Dev and Willow back together again after their secretive kiss months ago. They both haven’t seen each other for so long, so the tension between them is high. Dev has more things to worry about than their kiss. He is facing a toxic work environment where they are pushing him out of the way, so the F1 company promotes the CEO son instead. And that’s not working for Dev. He worked his butt off for his career, so he is more than ready to fix his professional and personal image.

Willow is more than ready to work on her career. She has been studying for so long that she is ready to gain experience. Thankfully, Willow might gain connections after her brother invites her to F1 events. But she may be over her head when she sees Dev again. Willow hasn’t forgotten about their kiss. It’s always replaying in their minds, and it doesn’t help that she will be working for him. It’s a big opportunity, but it’s risky as well since there are still feelings for each other (hidden secretly). 

I always like to read new romance books from diverse authors. They always bring something different to the romance genre. And I always love the representations that are included as well. 

However, I felt that Dev and Willow's connection to each other wasn’t fully there until the middle, which is a bit late for my take. I wanted their spark or chemistry from the beginning so we could build from there. But claiming that the spark was there from the get-go wasn’t working, in my opinion. I am not saying that I didn’t like the romance. I just wanted more than just stating the facts.

If you enjoy reading about F1 drivers with diverse characters and forbidden romance, then you will enjoy reading this book.


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