ARC Review: Blood of the Old Kings by Sung-II Kim


Blood of the Old Kings

Book Info

  • Released Date: October 8th

  • Publication: Tor

  • Pages: 368

  • Format: Paperback

just best to ride it out and see where these characters take us
— Abigail Books Addiction

To all of my hardcore political fantasy readers, this book is for you. It’s meant to be read by hardcore fantasy readers. We love reading about political fantasy stories. It keeps us on the edge into the very end. That’s what Blood of the Old Kings does.

Blood of the Old Kings brings three characters on an epic adventure through the Empire. Loran is beyond their ends and willing to do anything for revenge. Cain is more than determined to find out what happened to their friends and find justice at his expense. Arienne finds there is more than being a sorcerer in the Empire. Each of these characters may not interact with each other at first, but each of them has something important that connects them.

I won’t go any further, but I will say that these characters bring something different. They each have their own reasons that may be conflicting with the Empire's overall goals. It’s just best to ride it out and see where these characters take us.


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