ARC Review: Blood Jade by Julis Vee and Ken Bebelle


Blood Jade

Book Info

  • Released Date: July 16th

  • Publication: Tor Books

  • Pages: 448

  • Format: Paperback

just her loyalty that becomes a problem for her when she returns home
— Abigail Books Addiction

Do you know how much I have been waiting for this book? I have been waiting forever for this book, ever since the first book ended. I knew there was more to the series when there were clues regarding Emiko's secret abilities that were unknown to her.

Blood Jade picks up where the previous book left off. The city is still recovering from the previous attack, and there is more tension than ever. It leaves Emiko in a ticky spot. She knows she protects the city, no matter what happens between the clans. It’s just her loyalty that becomes a problem for her when she returns home.

She will always protect her family, aka hoard. It’s just tricky when she left it all behind years ago. It’s just something that stays with her, no matter what. And it’s going to become a larger problem when her family past comes into the light, including her secret abilities.

I won’t spoil it, but I definitely feel for her when she comes to realize what her secret abilities are. It’s dangerous for all of the clans when it plays a larger role within the prophecies. I can’t wait for the third book in the series.


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