ARC Review: A Werewolf’s Guide to Seducing A Vampire by Sarah Hawley
A Werewolf’s Guide to Seducing A Vampire
Book Info
Released Date: August 13th
Publication: Berkley
Pages: 444
Format: Paperback
“find it funny that he bid on something while he was drunk”
You should already know that I immediately read this book as soon as I was able to read it early on. And I have to say that I truly enjoyed reading it. It was such a cute yet steamy romance read.
Ben, as the main character, is such a cute surprise. Typically, we have females as the leading main characters, but Ben finds himself in a bit of a predicament. He has been trying to find someone in his life romantically, but ultimately falls behind. And it doesn't help that he gets drunk at his close friend's wedding and bids something on eBay.
I find it funny that he bid on something while he was drunk. Everyone knows that you can't shop while you are drinking. It's always going to end up biting you, which literally kind of happened when he brought a cursed vampire succubus and arrived at his home. I laughed so hard when he realized his mistakes and what's going to happen over the next few weeks.