ARC: A Woman Alone by Nina Laurin
A Woman Alone
Book Info
Released Date: Jun 23rd
Publication: Grand Central
Pages: 336
Format: Paperback
“It’s best to read this book with the lights on”
In the mood for a thriller book? Then A Woman Alone would be the best bet.
I do not want to spoil any details but get ready for it. I always say that high technology will always beat us in the ass. And it does when Ceceila moves into a high-tech advanced house. Nothing ever goes safe whenever you notice things in your new house. And it’s going to be a challenge for Ceceila because secrets are going to start unrevealing.
It's a bit chilling to discover secrets when you purchase a house, especially in the Ceceila case. But what can you expect. It’s better to buy a new house than someone who already brought the house beforehand. There is always a skeleton hidden. And it’s going to take a lot for Ceceila to overcome.